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Commercial Projects

Posted: Sat Apr 26, 2014 0:21
by Rachael
Occasionally we have enterprising developers come by and ask if it is okay to post projects which are done commercially, whether as the project lead or as a member of the project's team.

This is often a gray area on many websites, this one included, however they are allowed provided you follow the following rules:
  • Please tag the TOPIC of your commercial project post with the following symbols: [$$] or [Commercial]. This must be done at the LEAD of your topic, not the TAIL. (i.e. "[Commercial] Risen Forest 3 development") This allows us, and our visitors, to distinguish what they can get for free and what they have to pay for.
  • Your purpose is the same as it would be if it were not a for-money project; (i.e. to ask for help with technical hurdles, editing difficulties, or to recruit volunteers [though if you are getting paid, they must be as well], just posting that you're working on it is acceptable as well)
  • Your posts must be objective and informative.
  • Please proof-read or have your posts professionally proof-read. Nothing is more ridiculous (or troll-baiting) than a commercial project with grave misspellings and the use of "u" instead of "you" and fifth grade grammar - sorry, just trying to help you out, here.
  • You may announce the end-user availability of the project (i.e. release dates) and give screenshots, however it must be done in NON-MARKETING FORM (that means no "This is the best project ever" and "Buy it now!" or "Available for a limited time only [at XXXX price]!"). This is NOT an advertising forum - if you wish to do that, please contact the current owner of the site and arrange for your advertisements to be put in the appropriate places (and yes, it will cost you). If you do not know who the current owner is and cannot find that information on a simple forum search - PM me and I will give you information by which you can contact him. He rarely visits here so you will have to go find him on Doomworld.
  • You may post the project ONCE and ONCE only. It will stay in a single thread, and all responses to it will be kept in that thread. If a project gets released, it will need to be moved to the "releases" section - please report your own post, and let the moderators know, and it will be taken care of.
  • You may post downloads of your project's shareware/demo versions, provided they are FREE OF CHARGE. The only exchange of money that is allowed will occur outside of this site and will be of a prospective customer's genuine interest in the project, and not of solicitation or marketing or advertising of any form. (That means that people must buy their license on YOUR site, not here! You're free to advertise all you want, there, but you may only provide a link to it here)
  • By posting here, you also agree to waive your rights to hold DRD Team, its associates or members, owners, administrators, moderators or otherwise, liable for what may happen to you or your project; you forfeit your right of suit against us. Please keep this in consideration.
Just remember: These limitations are in place to protect the forum and its visitors from spam and intrusive marketing - it's not because we want to put our fingers in your pie. If your project is genuinely good, you will not even need to "market" it - all you have to do is show it off. A person's awe and interest really does take care of the rest. Don't be stupid and don't ruin it for everyone - because even if you can't directly advertise it on this forum, you can still attract a lot of people to it if it shows enough promise. If people seem to ignore you, then please just take that as a constructive criticism - you could probably do better.

Re: Commercial Projects

Posted: Mon Sep 26, 2016 21:39
by Rachael
Revised to allow tagging as [Commercial] instead of [$$]. Depending on the project, this may just look better on your topic.