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Hosting info

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 9:54
by grubber
You want to be hosted here? Send me a PM, e-mail me or use ICQ. Note that is not Doom-only.

Hosting rules
  1. No offensive content, no warez, no copyrighted work etc. is allowed.
  2. Real content is required - if you want only file storage, use rapidshare or something similar.
  3. Some niciness is required - if your site is too ugly we don't like it (you can use some premade designs if you want to).
  4. Put a link to at your site on visible place. You can use the following banner:
  5. Sites with long inactivity will be deleted.
  6. At least some basic knowledge of HTML is required - don't ask for help on HTML.
  7. Ads (and any other commercial stuff) are not allowed.
Any site breaking these rules can be removed at any time (you'll be warned about this).

Hosting features
There isn't a hard limit on size of your site, but it should not exceed 50 MB.
You can have your own forum if there's anything to discuss. You can also use forum integration in your site to display news and other content directly from the forum.

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:02
by BioHazard
Unwritten rule #1: Don't make a site that could qualify for a spot on

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 10:11
by grubber
Good point ;)

Posted: Thu Jan 05, 2006 15:04
by Paul
Great idea Bro. Maybe we oughta put this into the news? Or some "Info" area at the main page?

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 21:03
by grubber
I've just sent a warning e-mail to all rule-breaking hostees. Those who don't respond will be deleted.

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2006 22:14
by TheDarkArchon
Warning heeded. I've got a site up now. (I would like one of those PHP forum things for my main page, though. Pretty please :)) FTW[/shamelessplug] :P

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 12:58
by grubber
I wrote:I've just sent a warning e-mail to all rule-breaking hostees. Those who don't respond will be deleted.
Well, it's a week, all of you who haven't replied yet: you've got another week to do so (just FYI, it's killingblair, KingofFlames and Lexus Alyus).
TheDarkArchon wrote:(I would like one of those PHP forum things for my main page, though. Pretty please )
ICQ? IRC? ;)

EDIT: Lutrov replied.
EDIT: solarsnowfall replied.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 13:49
by Paul
What room did Solar brake? He's updating his site quite often? :|

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 14:21
by grubber
Last update on his site is from 17.8.2005 - that's 5 months - do you consider that "quite often"?

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 15:19
by Paul
Oh.. site update. I tough his sub-forum activity.

Posted: Fri Jan 20, 2006 20:06
by TheDarkArchon
Grubber wrote: ICQ? IRC? ;)
IRC. I don't use ICQ.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 0:49
by solarsnowfall
Oops. I'll fix that stuff.

[edit] Because I'm getting an error whan I try to send the PM :?

@Grubber: Sorry, didn't get your email. I've added my email to my profile in case you had the wrong one.

Anyway, I was planning on redoing my site. It's crap as is. Can you help me with getting my forum intergrated with the html? I'll start rewriting the pages, removing eronious files soon, and start being more attentive to it from now on.

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 3:34
by BlazingPhoenix
Grubber: about not putting content on the site.....well........DAMN RL BEAT ALL THE WORDS OUT OF ME!

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 8:28
by grubber
@TheDarkArchon: OK, I'll be on today from 8:00 to 22:00 GMT.

@solarsnowfall: No problem.

@KingofFlames: What?

Posted: Sat Jan 21, 2006 13:27
by Paul
Aha right.
1.We don't care. It's your personal thing.
2.Instead of posting on forums you could've updated your site a hundred times. Better do it now or it's good bye.