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Mission 3 -"the Base"

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 17:56
by ellmo
I think the best way to deal with a gametype like this, is to combine Action-packed Doom style, with Hitman and SplinterCell-like objectives.
I dunno how about you guys, but I feel like doing lots of dialogs to keep the story going, and an additional objective or two you need to buy before the mission. These are my propositions so far:

(obligatory) Manhunt: Wildweasel specified that you should be paid for every 904th footman you eliminate (at least that's how I understand it). I would decrease the amount of cash per head to 100-150 of the currency, so the optional objectives would be more lucrative.

The 904th infantry themselves should be heavily armoured, heavy armed guys, like Warhammer 40k Space Marines... but perhaps there should be a unique 904th officer, or a chaplain, or just somebody unique who can be eliminated for an extra fee, so:

(optional) Insanity: 904th division's commanding officer Chaplain Darius Fox was reported to have gone insane, after the overwhelming casualties "904" suffered in the last battle. Chances are he's not garrisoned neither patrolling the area with the reast of the team, but he definitely is somewhere there.
Take him out for additional 1000-1200 cold cash.

(optional) Smuggler's deal: Before the mission you can buy information from a smuggler, who was forced to jettison his cargo while flying over the base. You'll be able to find a crashed crate anyway, but only with the smuggler's information you'll open it. I'm not sure if there should be something worth selling (but otherwise useless), thus giving you more funds when the mission ends; or some stuff to use (advanced weapons perhaps).

(optional) Rolling Some Armour: There are two old tanks held in base hangars, that haven't been used for years. They're still a tasty bit for <organization name> Rebels. See if you can clear the hangars out, and get the armour running. Rebels will handle it from from there.
You'll be awarded 250 for each tank on-line.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 18:34
by wildweasel
I love the idea of optional objectives. I can think of a way to handle it, too - the informants that "sell" you the objectives would be hidden around the hub map. Some in prison cells, some in the bar, maybe one in the power station area. Pay them a small fee, and those objectives will be "unlocked," and then you can go to the mission areas and complete them.

I don't suppose it would be too far-fetched to allow the player to go back to mission areas to complete the optional objectives? Obviously that would be impossible in some cases (like going back to the space station if you've blown it up), and there would have to be safeguards so that the player can only complete the primary objective once.

Posted: Fri Feb 02, 2007 19:01
by ellmo
Contacting some shady smuggler about getting his cargo back (or letting you to use it) is one thing, but dealing with rebels, and different countries' governments should be handled in a more... unofficial way.

I'm thinking about some Mercenary agency like the one in Hitman games. The main character would just have a PDA, to which all the required data will be transferred IF the player has spoken to an appropriate character, they are also activated automatically on some seldom occasions. But this computer would also let him contact his... umm liaison-friend. That doesn't really impact the gameplay much, but it creates a nice atmosphere, and gives the feeling you're not entirely alone. Plus, it can be funny sometimes.

Imagine that:

> This just came in...
> Bad news first, please.
> It's about your current assignment. Ready for an extra goal?
> I'm all ears.
> The 904th division you're dealing with, is under the command of Chaplain Darius Fox, who is believed to be mentally unstable.
> Winston, repeat after me - fruitcake.
> I'll keep ignoring you. <country name> are paying twelve hundred for his head. The problem is - nobody knows where Fox's hiding.
> Want me to look under the rocks?
> Even though he's a bit nuts, he's an opponent not to be underestimated.
> So I'll just ask around.
>Objective added: gather information on Chaplain Darius Fox's whereabouts.