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Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Sat May 23, 2009 22:20
by Rachael
We now host Risen 3D at DRD Team. You can find their new home here. Please join me in welcoming our new hostees! :)

As many of you already know, Risen 3D is a source port for Doom which is branched from an older version of the Doomsday engine but comes with a host of new features. If you've never tried it out before, you definitely should - the port, and the extras available with it, including the new textures and models, are definitely worth checking out.

Welcome to DRD Team!

(By the way, special thanks to Enjay for setting things in motion :))

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 13:32
by Gez
Interesting. Will they get a forum here too, or do they remain on NewDoom?

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 14:00
by Rachael
That's up to Abbs or Sitters. Really, I didn't see a forum specific to them on NewDoom, but if they do want one here, I'm quite happy to make one.

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 14:19
by Enjay
Good to see the site getting established. Welcome Risen3D. :)

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Sun May 24, 2009 22:01
by Rex Claussen
Congratulations to Risen3D for joining the DRDTeam family!

I'm especially excited because I hope this will allow me to see what new goodies Sitters is cooking up in terms of models. I have been making good use of the stuff he has built so far.

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 8:00
by sitters
Thanks on behalf of the entire team. :)

Now working on a new cyber demon model, but its not a easy one. ;)


Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 9:43
by Enjay
Good to see you here and contributing the the forum Willem. I don't know if I've told you but I'm really enjoying playing with the (relatively) recent models in the "Sitters and Abbs soldiers pack" plus the other enhanced models.

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 10:01
by Abbs
Good to be on board :)

I will most likely get SoulPriestess to set up a R3D specific forum some time after the release of v2.2.04.
But for now the dev team has a lot of testing and preparation for the pending release.

Hey Wim! look forward to the CyberDemon model :lol:

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 17:04
by InsanityBringer
Great to see more hostees around. This place has really become alive recently! And although (G)ZDoom is one of my main and favorite modding platforms, this move might help make this place more of a general community, instead of a mainly zdoom one. (Not that I have something agaisnt zdoom of course, but for a more general doom community this place focuses too much on zdoom)

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Tue May 26, 2009 19:34
by sitters
@enjay / @rex

Glad to hear you like the models.
I always hope that, many people as possible enjoy the models.

And if you need (static) map-models for modding, just ask me.

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 22:06
by BlazingPhoenix
It's been a while since I posted here! (and necroposting this topic while I'm at it). Great to see Risen3D is still alive, I remember it being one of my favorite ports. :)

Re: Risen3D is now hosted at DRD Team!

Posted: Tue Jun 23, 2009 23:40
by Rachael
Honestly, I really don't care if you necropost the most recent news item. :P Necroposting is not that big of a deal, sometimes it's annoying, but there are times when really... people just need to get a grip about it.