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GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 13:54
by Graf Zahl
A new version is out!

Major changes to the last version include:

- customizable intermission sequences
- more supported music formats (XMI, HMI, HMP)
- better support of Timidity++ for extended MIDI formats
- less quirky jumping code
- major redesign of portal clipping. Problems with one sided lines in portals should be almost completely gone now.

Update: 1.5.05 has been uploaded which fixes some bugs with nonstandard portals and reflective floors.
Update2: 1.5.06 fixes a crash bug with more than 16 portals in a map.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.4 released

Posted: Sun Nov 14, 2010 15:42
by Enjay
Downloading now. Thank you very much for this Graf and, of course, to Gez for his ongoing maintenance of the code too.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.5 released

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 10:45
by Dave_B
There's already a graphical bug with the reflective floors so I'm afraid I'm going to have to skip this version :(

Re: GZDoom 1.5.5 released

Posted: Sat Nov 20, 2010 12:26
by Enjay
Dave_B wrote:There's already a graphical bug with the reflective floors
Care to give some details? If Graf doesn't know what the problem is, he can't fix it.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:00
by Dave_B
There are some odd graphical bugs relating to texture bleeding along various linedefs around floors or ceilings with reflective surfaces. Often the sky or skybox is drawn, even in the complete absence of any f_sky1 texture within the sector or surrounding sectors. Here's a couple of screenshots of versions 1.5.3 and 1.5.5 to illustrate what i mean.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 6:49
by Tiger
It is really nice to see this project still going, and the GL engine being maintained. Keep up with the developments Graf Zahl!

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 9:10
by Graf Zahl
Reflective planes should work again. But for the one map I know that's affected (Sapphire) I won't do a 1.5.7 release unless something more serious comes along. The next SVN build should be fine.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Sun Nov 21, 2010 13:04
by Enjay
A build of the fixed SVN version (revision 1106) has been uploaded. Check this link:

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:34
by wtg62
I've tried to get something above r3010 but it won't let me. In the next version could you include the latest SVN? That would really help because then I would be able to use the SECRETS lump.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 1:36
by wtg62
Also sometimes there's a bug with 3d floors sector where a stream of a non-affected sector gets the 3d floor also. But it's invisible in the stream of non-affected sector.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Fri Dec 24, 2010 9:02
by Graf Zahl
wtg62 wrote:I've tried to get something above r3010

There is no revision 3010 for GZDoom. The current head revision is 1135 which corresponds to ZDoom r3061.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 18:20
by wtg62
oh thanks now i'm not as confused

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 18:26
by wtg62
This reply has been deleted.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 18:40
by wtg62
what I mean to say is:
will there be a new version of GZDoom the combines with a version of ZDoom that has a svn build higher the 3010.

Re: GZDoom 1.5.6 released

Posted: Tue Jan 18, 2011 20:00
by Graf Zahl
Use an SVN build for now. The next GZDoom release will most likely coincide with the next ZDoom version.