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Earth Eternal - A Proposal

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 6:51
by wildweasel

Those of you wondering what the heck I'm doing aside from Doom (since, y'know, I've taken a break from weapon modding), here is what I expect to be my entry into writing a complete novel.

Earth Eternal is, as of this writing, a two-page synopsis of a novel that I plan to write. I've been running this synopsis across a few different forums so far, because I need some feedback - specifically, if there are any major plot holes, easily correctable cliche's (outside of the whole "temporal loop"/"alternative world" thing), or inconsistencies. I'm going to write this novel, and I'd like to do it right.

If anybody here has the chance, I'd like you to give this synopsis a read and tell me what you think, what should be changed/fixed, etc.

So far this is the third revision of the plot. A few minor words were changed so they made more sense, a couple sentences restructured for clarity, and hopefully it should give you enough gist of the plot to see if there are any major plot holes that need patching.

Posted: Tue Oct 18, 2005 7:07
by Soultaker
Not bad at all. I can't wait for more.