Isn't it funny...?

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Isn't it funny...?

Post by Rachael »

... how software vendors always assume that just because a system has any server version of Windows on it, that it *must* be part of a corporate environment?
Spoiler: 9-to-5-ing it every weekday sure is rough...
I better get back to work. Web sites don't browse themselves, games don't play themselves, and movies sure as hell don't play themselves, either!

I mean, all that is running on Windows Server, so it MUST be a corporate environment! Really!

... sorry, just had to rant.
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Re: Isn't it funny...?

Post by Enjay »

To be fair, much of Windows generally is set up like that too (although probably to a lesser extent). I can't count the number of times that I have had to go through a long, complicated way of doing something that should be very simple on a single-user or home-only machine because Windows is set up to assume multi-users and a corporate-style network.

The one that always makes me laugh (or tear my hair out in frustration) is when I get told that I don't have permission to do something and that I should contact my system administrator. So, according to MS, I do not have permission to do what I want on my machine, in my house, not connected to a company network, not part of a corporate environment and, if anyone is, I am the system administrator (and blisfully unaware how to resolve the issue that MS has just told me to contact myself about). :?
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Re: Isn't it funny...?

Post by Rachael »

Yeah, the contact your sys admin messages are always pretty funny. Do you use the professional version of Windows or do you use Home and still get those messages?

Actually, come to think of it I haven't gotten a lot of contact your sys admin messages on 2008 - probably because the default Administrator account is automatically disqualified from UAC restrictions. You have to create a new account in order to "benefit" from UAC.
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Re: Isn't it funny...?

Post by Enjay »

I spend most of my time on my own machines using "Pro" or "Ultimate" versions of Windows. So, I run into the MS messages more often on my machines. However, there are other machines in the house. Some of them use "home" editions of Windows and I'm pretty sure that I get similar messages with them.
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Re: Isn't it funny...?

Post by sitters »

Throw out the system owner and become self owner of everything in Windows 7 , then the problem is over. :D
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